Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Joys & frustrations of smart animals =)

I'm sure every pet parent will talk about how their's is the smartest of the breed, a quick learner, etc. And I've boasted the same thing many times. But I have to admit that sometimes having a smart dog can be a pain in the @$$.

Don't get me wrong, I'd never change the fact I chose to adopt her and we were warned she was a 'difficult' breed to raise. I just didn't realize 'difficult' meant basically dealing with a 2 yr old in a dog's body. If Ebony is upset, she'll rip tissues or cardboard into little piles. Usually its when we leave her alone so she'll greet us at the door with ears down and tail tucked, knowing she'd done something wrong. When she's waiting for food or a treat, she'll thump the ground like a kid thumping the highchair table.

She has a bunch of rawhide bones that we keep in a basket for her to pick thru. She'll grab one, decide no, drop it, grab another, drop it, etc. If I try to help, she'll either ignore me or lightly grab a hold and drop it somewhere else or even throw her head and toss it. She's very picky sometimes (usually). Its great that she's able to get the rawhides herself because we use to keep them all in the pantry and switch them out when she got tired of one bone or the other. Now we just occasionally have to pick up after her. I've tried teaching her to put them away, but her preference is out..so its difficult to make her understand the need. =/

Matt accuses me of spoiling her. And I'm guilty, I know..a little. We're together nearly all the time so I've learned most of her habits and she's learned a lot of mine..even to the point where she knows that I can't hear her scratching at the door most times (w/out my hearing aides), so she'll get my attention before going to the door.

Ebony is independent and curious. We've encouraged that her whole life. If she puts her nose up to investigate something, as long as its not directly food, we hold it down for her to sniff..boxes, plastic, etc, she usually just sniffs and walks away. Whenever we bring something into the house we'll let her get a good look and a sniff at it. She might not know what things are, but we haven't had problems with her randomly chewing on everything around her whether its edible or not. She also 'build' little nests and forts for herself with blankets and pillows. As long as the items are loose enough and not restrained, she will dig, nose, pull until she has them just right.

However (like recently) especially when I'm feeling off, upset, or sick she will often cuddle or lay with her paws touching my leg if my lap isn't available..basically staying in touch. She's atleast empathetic enough to know when I need a canine friend to sit with me.

Unfortunately when I try to wrap up in a blanket, she usually decides that's the blanket she wants next and begins a tug-o-war game with me.

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