Monday, December 2, 2013

my adorably stupid, but loyal kitty

I love my cat. For as much as I mock her or anything else..I'm glad I adopted her. I'm equally glad I (we) adopted the others as well, but Xanadu is my cat.

To be honest, tho, she's a We've tried to point this out to the vets, but they don't see it; if you look at her from a distance, its noticeable that she has a slightly lazy eye. I don't think she sees really well, either that or she doesn't really try. She walks into walls on purpose...she'll brush up against it, then turn her head directly into it and <slam> I don't know if she thinks something will open (she bounced a partially closed door open at my parent's house once)

The other morning, since both Matt and I were up, we both fed the animals together. They're used to just one of us, so essentially one specie at a time (cats then dog). I grabbed Ebony's bowl so she didn't have to 'stay' so long while Matt set the cats' bowls down in the other room. Xan, however decided to follow whatever bowl I grabbed and head for that. She's following me,  I'm trying to put the dog bowl down, Matt's in the other rm calling her, I'm telling her to go, Ebby is laying behind her fidgeting cuz it looks like that cat is gonna go for her kibbles, & Xan is looking up at me w/ the bowl excitedly waiting for me to put her food in the wrong spot...we picked where we were feeding each animal when we first moved in a yr ago and it hasn't changed..but obviously, if it was me putting down the food bowl, to Xan, it was hers. ^_^

It's either that or since Midnight and Xan switch bowls all the time, she figured it was fine for her to switch w/ the dog. 'Sides, all the bowls have fish oil (atleast of some type). So she'd rather deal with the person she likes (still don't know why she fears/distrusts Matt so much). In any was kinda sweet & cute, but still more evidence of her...slow thinking

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