Friday, October 3, 2014


  I loved the movie and the entire idea...but I didn't realize it must be my life on which the idea was loosely based..
dreams within dreams and somewhere finding the level of actually more confusing than the movie portray..its quite exhausting and frustrating as well. I start questioning what I've actually done, what was done in a dream, and what I was *really* intending to do (on my mind a lot). Its disturbing when I dream arguments that never really happened, but because I dream that I've 'woken up' my mind is unsettled and my sleep gets ruined.

It really sucks cuz the deep dreams are always graphic, weird..and just wrong. The next lvl up dreams..when I 'think' I'm awake.. aren't much better..but usually involves more arguments, bugs, laundry (piles), dishes (sink loads)..all real life crap..essentially stuff that wouldn't say "dream"..sure there is always something "off" about it, like the shape of the house, the the fact that I have multiple sinks full of dishes to clean, a terrible wardrobe, or something just as weird. Unfortunately, when I wake up in reality from a dream with a dream ...regardless that my "alarm" is a gentle song and the call of birds, it is still jarring - almost painful.

Looking in a mirror..its no wonder Matt looks at me frequently and says I look tired...why not? I might as well 'look' how I feel.. 'sides I spend days after days in each layer of my dream in addition to the hrs in real life. Too many times, I'm ready to go to bed shortly after I've left it =(

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