Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Monsters all around and deep in my head

It occurred to me this morning - sometimes it takes a long time - puppy dog is quickly becoming a surrogate for the nightly "monster watchers". As a kid, I was incredibly terrified of monsters under the bed, closet, etc..(I blame my bro for some pranks & me for an exceedingly overactive imagination & the house which had old flooring, water heating pipes, and other things that made horrific sounds). So I would line myself with stuffed animals - literally, inc at feet & head - every night before I felt safe enough to sleep because their eyes were always open so always watchful (yes, creepy, but it made me feel comfortable)

Since the move and we let Ebbs come sleep in the rm (bed), she's taken up alternating either nightly or thru the night various positions around me (e.g. up against my back, across my feet). I know she doesn't understand what she's doing for me and while I don't fear the 'monster under the bed' anymore ('sides, I have Matt to protect me too ^_^) Instead, I just have the MonSter in my life to contend with and all the things it brings along. Feeling her solid lump of a body press up against me is quite calming as I'm falling asleep...I know it should be the hubby's place to do that, but unfortunately, I sleep under a heated blanket, as well as emit TONS of body heat (I know.. tmi) and Matt get's easily overheated... its a win-win that Ebbby will lay against me.

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