Tuesday, January 27, 2015

midnight ramblings

The mildly sleep deprived brain..not entirely, cuz I'm getting sleep--its just all been shitty cuz I've been in pain from one ailment or another (besides the pt)..comes up with some of the weirdest connections and thoughts..

I was sitting here thinking about some of the ways the MS has hit me the hardest..& its definitely been with this cognition and memory crap. Now.. I didn't have perfect recall or anything like that, but I never really had to struggle to see connections..for the most part (there were a few things I still struggled w/, but not many) my brain was just geared to seeing and getting the whole picture.

I honestly think that actually was conditioned into me by the way I learned to read..I made Mother read the same book so many times I memorized it by page and since she would point to each word as we went along, I recognized the whole words...teachers weren't successful teaching me individual phonetics until much later cuz I figured I knew more than the other kids, so I'd stop listening =/. I never learned that simple skill of piecing an unknown together until much past the 'formative' yrs. (yes, I was the know-it-all bratty kid that parents loved and most kids hated)

Now, tho, I have such a hard time not looking at everything as a whole and getting SO frustrated when things don't come into focus like they used to. I always feel like I'm missing some important clue that would just help everything I see around me snap into place again to form a nice, understandable, environment where I feel like I'm back in control again.

This probably all made no sense..but I'm done w/ my sleepy time tea stuff..so I'm gonna try to find a comfy position to sleep

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