Monday, May 16, 2016


This past weekend was the Chupacabracon convention..a game con here in Austin only a few minutes from the house-similar to Origins or Gencon but on a much smaller scale. Of course, I scheduled to attend a few of the games & seminars, each lasting a few hours. The convention was much smaller than others I've attended (I've been to Origins a time or two several years ago) but this venue was incredibly smaller than the space that holds all those who travel for other conventions.

Even tho there were fewer people there this weekend, the noise level sounded several times louder. Its possible it may have been the hearing aides that I had this year, but even Matt said the lower ceiling and closer walls kept a lot of the sound in so I wasn't imagining things. However, the press of noise added to the stress of so many bodies (I'm definitely an introvert on the personality scale) and I'm not use to being out so late any more and getting up super early anymore. Plus I haven't been sleeping well lately.

Come today, the third day, I had scheduled even more games. But I realized my enthusiasm had been a little bigger (again) than my actual endurance. I've done it several times in the past. Usually I'll start into something and end up forcing myself thru and causing more problems for myself in the long run. This time I decided to cancel before the fact and not cause myself undo stress. Instead, get needed sleep, relaxation, etc.

I get that I can't stay up til all hours of the night any more and get up at 'un-godly early' hours of the morning to socialize or do whatever. Not only do I have a disease, I'm also getting older (not "old" =D), but learning to accept the things that I have difficulties difficult..

I kinda like pushing those limitations.....

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