Monday, January 2, 2017

lost causes

Our country has been duped into electing a pathological liar. Every situation that comes up, suddenly trump knows more about (insert specialty here) than a trained professional. Any basic Psych 101 student should recognize the presence of at least narcissism, if not also a breach from reality and probably more (its been awhile since school). He also denies comments and situations he's said or done in the past; even if there is physical proof.

I'm not sure if its worse that he's doing this purposefully and people are too stupid to see it. Or if he is so damaged and deranged that he believes the words that he utters regardless of reality. Money will also insulate people from the worst reality has to offer-- the hunger, sickness, cold, etc. It will also put a layer between the person and those filthy streets the  BMWs and Porches drive down, & the sidewalks the common person uses, & the streets or benches a homeless person call 'bed' for the night. Filling his Washington with the richest America has will do nothing to help those they have nothing in common with.

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