Friday, January 20, 2017

Waiting for the punchline

The US has been brought low by inner strife and dissent at the highest levels of government. Like any group, or family those at the top are meant to be the stable guiding light for those they lead. A moral compass and a strong example. Without the strong leadership, everything begins to crumbles. Its the fall of every good society to not have strong leaders making important decisions and being the example for all those who follow

Today, we watched a man take charge of America who is not a strong ethical example for our children. Instead of abiding by laws set forth by our constitution, he would rather say they don't apply to the President, because he's the President.

The President should be the epitome of America! NOT the exception! 

Like a thin skinned bully, he attacks at any sign of contention. He'll even continue to harangue others as if holding a grudge. People who are so easily wounded do not make for great congressmen--especially not Presidents. The world is not fair, and continually attacking people on Twitter is not the best use of a President time.

The President should be someone who the American people can look at and say is ethical, has the well-being of all in mind regardless of race/age/sex/preferences/religion/etc. One who is willing to work with the people--not lash out against one party or another. One who will put the people above him/her-self. One who is willing to lead by example, not make excuses and find reasons for indifference.

There is already enough corruption in congress--trump got in by promising to deal with it..We've only introduced another element to the cloudy muck that is our capitol by handing over the keys to someone who feels is above the law.