Friday, June 21, 2013

Damn shitty night terror last night (this morning?) sometime..the kinda that has me trying to scream my way out of it and scream for help from the old relationship hellbent on getting..'reacquainted'..and not in a friendly manner.  I was trying to scream for help but couldn't get the breath or push him off of me and I was flailing and everything. In the dream I couldn't even blame the MS, I was back in my old rm way before I was diagnosed and started having probs with strength --I was an active athlete softball, volleyball, basketball --

I pulled out of it long enough to fall into yet ANOTHER shitty dream. Now, I'm trying to tell Matt about it and he's belittling and/or contradicting  everything I say about the night terror (including the size of my original  bed that I used as a teen...) felt like I was talking in circles until I wasn't sure if I was coming or going with the way he kept giving me different information when I would tell him one thing...beyond frustrating and twitch inducing, especially when the rest of the dream made no sense (from the little of this one I can remember)

I can't stand dreams I don't understand... I haven't thought of that damn jerk in well over a decade..then my stupid brain hurls images like this at me...

my head hates me

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