Thursday, June 27, 2013

big *empty* space

That's the area that's suppose to contain a brain...

It went missing sometime today around 4pm when I was physically and mentally unable to fold the 2nd half of my load of laundry...

sounds funny..I know...but its not..I was quite distraught... technically  I know my pinkies should 'flip' the sleeves in while it's being folded lengthwise so the sleeves are inside the fold...its how we've folded shirts for the past decade and how I had folded the previous half of the load and between one shirt and the next, my brain and my hands just...forgot. There's a big difference between technically knowing it & being able to do it...I was left holding the shirt just staring at it near tears cuz I couldn't get my pinkies to even fold the shirt, much less 'flip it' (don't ask the difference.. there just is one..)

it was about as bad as standing in the grocery store staring at the taco seasonings, not quite sure where I was. Grocery store would have been all I could tell you for sure..I'm not sure if the right town, or even state would have come out...heck... I don't even think the right grocery store, since they don't have the store we use to shop at down here.

ok..its too late and I'm done rehashing how stupid I feel when my brain stops working =P

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