Monday, June 17, 2013

sometimes I just wanna.... SNAP

Ever know that one person who just has to play the  "mine is bigger than yours"  game regardless what topic is brought up? and this person must do it at the absolute loudest possible voice? (tho honestly, for each topic - or each attempt to trump - the volume seems to grow, just when I thought it couldn't get any louder). Its REALLY frustrating when this must occur over top or interrupting whatever I may have been trying to say to someone.... especially since I never had a very loud voice to begin with... since the MS has decided to play havoc with my lung capacity and vocal cords, my voice has become even more gravely and wispy (which seems like an odd pairing, but its true...somehow) Needless to say... I'm not the easiest to hear, unless I YELL..and even then, my voice doesn't often cut thru heavy din unless I SCREAM and that usually hurts my throat and makes my head throb worse than the overwhelming surrounding noise does anyways.
Anyway.. as I was saying... This has happened enough times and I'm getting so sick of being verbally run over when I'm trying to talk to someone and have an actual conversation... a conversation should not stop mid sentence and switch to whomever happens to interject the loudest comment...its... rude, especially when it happens again, and again...

Do I expect too much, maybe... if so... I guess its time I start getting...rude...

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