Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I'm not crazy, honest... yeah, I know, they all say that... I just tend to have a lot on my mind.. constantly. Problem is, it jumps from topic to topic in a heartbeat and... thanks to my wonderful damn genes or something I now have (or always have had.. just its active now) MS and my memory is kinda like a dog w/ ADD, or the something shiney syndrome... so while there may be a lot on my mind the conscious for-brain may only be peripherally aware of what those things are. 

I'm fairly certain that's why I'll suddenly answer questions or make comments on conversations that are hours old... the words finally made their way from the unconscious part of my mind to the conscious part...(sad, I know. Thankfully my husband is used to this)

I refer to the voices also because I argue quite frequently with myself over what to say and what not to say while I rehearse conversations over and over - both future and past conversations (yes, little obsessive and worried about the impression I made or will make..I was brought up to always be "perfect" in public and the MS makes it quite difficult to be anywhere near "perfect" in public). I wobble and weave and fall down if I don't watch my feet closely. I stumble over my words and insert opposite words frequently..its hard to deal with crowds so its very difficult to deal with people... not the "perfect" public image :-/

In order to deal with some of the sounds in my head, I use external sounds which, unfortunately then stick and add to the inner cacophony. If I keep the sounds going, they don't resound in my head...great until I go to bed. Then the songs from the day or years ago (depending on which neurons triggered) serenade me until I finally fall asleep.

I think that's enough for the first post and to explain the odd title (at least enough to kinda say "I might not be crazy")

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